I Feel Like You Don T Get Enough Funny Sherlock Memes to Brighten Your Day So Here Markgattiss
Though there are many adaptations of Arthur Conan Doyle's famous work, the BBC'sSherlockis the clear winner with the best script, the best casting, and the best character chemistry.
And the Sherlock fandom is, undoubtedly, one of the best fandoms to be a part of. There's a never-ending supply of Internet material to hold you over in between seasons (and that's a lot, considering that an average of two years goes by before a new season comes out). The fan fictions, ships, GIFs, and memes are just as entertaining as the episodes themselves.
Let's take a moment to celebrate some outstanding Sherlock memes. Warning: many of these have to do with the show's not-so-subtle sexual tension. And the rest? Well, read on to find out...
15 "I'm Not Insulting You - I'm Describing You"
If Sherlock was anyone besides Benedict Cumberbatch, no one would put up with his rude, cold, and downright mean remarks. The Sherlock series depicts the iconic character as a "high functioning sociopath," who does not feel any empathy for others. Sherlock cares so little of what other people think of him that he doesn't even attempt to fake empathy. He doesn't even attempt to consider other people's feelings.
This leads, of course, to his habit of insulting people. In Sherlock's mind, he's merely "describing" them. But to anyone who understands and abides by the rules of basic manners, these are insults. And the characters in the show put up with it only because they always need Sherlock's help. If he wasn't useful, he'd get smacked a lot more often.
14 Not-So-Surelock
Nothing like a good old pun! One of the reasonsSherlock is so easy to meme is that Benedict Cumberbatch produces so many meme-able facial expressions. Here we have the perfect example of the "Sure-lock" and "Not-so-sure-lock" face.
It must be weird to be an actor and see your face on the Internet so often. Seeing your face made into a meme is probably even stranger. Because memes often contain less than flattering images of people, it's necessary to have thick skin, not let yourself get insulted, and just brush off any ugly pictures of yourself as "just another day at the office." After all, actors have to be able to make themselves look like anything, including some ugly faces.
13 Do You Have A Girlfriend?
There's nothing the Sherlock fandom loves more than the sexual tension between Sherlock and John. In the very first episode of the series, John asks Sherlock if he has a girlfriend, to which he responds, "No, not really my area." John then asks, "Oh, right. Do you have a boyfriend?... Which is fine, by the way." As the meme accurately states, conversations like this fuel the speculation that John and Sherlock are secretly attracted to each other.
But the conversation doesn't stop there. In the episode, Sherlock goes on to say, "John, um... I think you should know that I consider myself married to my work and while I'm flattered, by your interest..." John then assures Sherlock that he is not actually hitting on him. But is he...?
12 If It Fits, It Ships

Another great pun. Someone took FedEx's flat rate shipping cost slogan, "If it fits, it ships," and turned it into a Sherlock meme. The pun of course, is a play on the word "ship," which, in Tumblr land, means taking two characters and turning them into a couple. The word "ship" is actually short hand for "relationship."
The picture of John and Sherlock inside the FedEx box is what makes the meme gold. These two do already live together after all, so in order for them to get any closer you'd have to put them in a box. What happens inside the box is up to your imagination. Or the imagination of whoever wants to write a fan fiction about John and Sherlock in a box.
11 I Deduce That This Man Has A Crotch
Sherlock's greatest talent is his gift for observation. He walks into a crime scene and notices twenty things that the investigators would never pick up on, and leaves everyone with their mouths hanging open. Sherlock could probably determine based on the crime scene what the murderer ate for breakfast, what brand of shoes he wears, and where he spends his vacations.
But this photo of Sherlock examining a body perhaps a little too closely was perfect fodder for a meme. How much information can you really get from getting that close? It makes you wonder how Benedict Cumberbatch feels when he's examining those bodies on set. Do he and the actor playing the dead guy ever feel uncomfortable? Has he ever accidentally sneezed on the person? So many questions!
10 I Was Wondering If You'd Like To Have Coffee?
When memes collide, the result is beautiful. Some brilliant person combined Sherlock with the "forever alone" meme and it's perfection! This is the scene where the lab technician, who's crushing hard on Sherlock, finally asks him if he wants to get coffee with her. Sherlock, blissfully unaware of many social cues, simply says, "Black, two sugars, please."
We know from an earlier meme that women are not really Sherlock's "area." Sherlock officially identifies as asexual, but is he actually attracted to men and just won't admit it? His close relationship with John seems to indicate that's a possibility. How else would he be completely oblivious to the fact that the lab tech is hitting on him, but perceive that John is romantically interested in him?
9 'Stranger Things,' Featuring John Watson
Apologies if you haven't seen both Stranger Things and Sherlock. If you've only seen the latter and not the former, you may not find this one funny.
This is one of many memes that uses a hilarious still of Martin Freeman from the Sherlock set. It's not clear whether John is supposed to be helping the kids from Stranger Things in this Photoshopped advertisement, or if he is supposed to stand in for the monster from the upside-down that's hunting them. Or perhaps, he's not supposed to be doing anything - he's just randomly there. This option is funnier, given that Stranger Things is an '80s tribute, and Sherlock takes place in the present day. John in this picture is just an anachronism. But any interpretation of this meme is pretty hilarious.
8 'The Avengers,' Featuring John Watson
Okay, just one more of these, because the picture is too funny. Here, John is Photoshopped into a still from The Avengers. His facial expression actually resembles the looks on two of the heroes' faces, but it's even more exaggerated. What's funny about this meme is that John is bent over, looking like he's ready to fight with the rest of the crew. But even though he was in the military, we know he has nowhere near the combat skills of the heroes behind him.
This is also funny because John's outfit stands out from everyone else's. That's pretty strange to think about—that the guy wearing regular clothes is the one who looks like the odd one out, not the people wearing the ridiculous costumes.
7 Dark Times
The caption for this Tumblr post is: "In the darkest times, only memes can save us."
Obviously, some of the the darkest times humans have ever known have occurred when there are three people and only one piece of cake left. Whoever made this has some pretty strong Photoshop skills. They picked the perfect still—with Sherlock, John, and Mycroft all having incredibly grave looks on their faces—and seamlessly added a lone slice of cake on a plate. Given that all three men are looking down at the table, for a split second you think that this is the original photo.
It is true. Only memes can save us when a situation is so grave that there is not enough cake to go around. But unfortunately, you can't eat humor.
6 A Nice Hot Cup Of Coffee
This meme is a bit confusing, because this particular conversation does not actually happen in the Sherlock series. So if you've seen this meme and were confused by it, here's the explanation:
This particular dialogue is actually from a radio series called Cabin Pressure, which, interestingly, features Benedict Cumberbatch as a character named Martin. The exchange takes place between Martin and another character named Arthur, played by John Finnemore. It goes like this:
Arthur: Here you are Skip, nice hot cup of coffee.
Martin: Oh, it's cold.
Arthur: Nice cup of coffee.
Martin: It's horrible!
Arthur: Cup of coffee.
Martin: I'm not even sure it is coffee.
Arthur: Cup.
Even though it didn't happen in Sherlock, the dialogue still makes sense when transferred to Sherlock and John. And so, the meme was born.
5 Do People Assume You're The Murderer?
This dialoguedidactually take place in Sherlock. It happens in the very first episode, in fact. And of course, it's so funny that someone had to turn it into a meme.
Sherlock's lack of empathy makes him startlingly calm and collected at murder crime scenes. Not only that, he actually gets excited about murder investigations, because they give him an entertaining puzzle to solve. These features of Sherlock's behavior mean that people sometimes assume Sherlock was actually the murderer.
But as you can tell from this dialogue, this doesn't really bother Sherlock, and it doesn't worry him. He knows that he is going to figure out who the real criminal is, so it makes no difference if someone thinks he committed the crime. He'll soon be able to prove otherwise.
4 Mean Moriarty
This meme has many different iterations but the faces are always the same. You may have also seen, "I WILL BREAK YOU...off a piece of my Kit Kat bar" or "I WILL BURY YOU...in sand so you look like a mermaid." It's the only meme on the list can be easily altered.
The meme is congruent with Moriarty's character—always changing tones and facial expressions. Moriarty is a walking paradox. He's about as evil as an evil villain gets, but his manner is often soft and gentle. He hates plots to kill Sherlock, yet he doesn't really want him to die. He hates Sherlock, but he loves Sherlock...? That's a whole other can of worms which I'm sure the Sherlock fandom is happy to open.
3 I'm Going To Jump
Of course, we all remember the heart-stopping moment when Sherlock called John to say goodbye to him just before he jumped off a building. This final season from season two left the fandom with a rage-inducing cliff hanger, made worse by the fact that the next season didn't come out for another two years.
But we had a feeling the death wasn't real. After all, what would season three be about if Sherlock was dead? And Sherlock does actually fake his own death in the source's material, Conan Doyle's novels.
As soon as we knew for sure that the death had been falsified, we could start making fun of it. Enter: this meme, with the facial expressions perfectly matching the made up dialogue.
2 OMG I Love Your Coat
Also enter: this meme, which is both a groan-inducing pun and an homage to the fandom speculation that Sherlock and John are probably gay.
Of course, not all gay men are fashionable and not all fashionable men are gay. The fact that Sherlock pays so much attention to his appearance is just another feature of his meticulous personality. For John, well, how is he going to pick up women if he doesn't look good?
It could also just be a British thing. British men are far more fashionable than American men are (no offense). It only makes sense in a country where they still have a monarch, people still get knighted, and Members of Parliament still wear wigs. A country doesn't get much fancier than that.
1 Even The Fourth Doctor Came Back Before Sherlock

There are many variations of this meme which usually combines Sherlock with Doctor Who, a series that has been running for basically forever. It's making fun of the fact that fans have to wait forever for a new season of Sherlock to come out. We waited almost three years between season three and season four for crying out loud!
This particular meme references an episode of Doctor Who in which Tom Baker, the fourth actor to play the doctor, returned to the series for a cameo as a curator. That episode came out while all the Sherlock fans were still waiting for season three. Naturally, the return of the fourth doctor made good fodder for a meme, just as the appearance of David Tennant and the return of the Zygons.
Source: https://www.thethings.com/15-hysterical-sherlock-memes-that-every-fan-will-appreciate/
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