14 Things To Do When You Miss Your Boyfriend

"I miss my young man." Is this the thought swirling through your head all the fourth dimension? Well, relationships are difficult. Living apart and non beingness able to spend quality time together can cause this uneasy feeling that transforms into a ball of sadness in your centre. We understand if you lot are missing your young man now. And, we tin can help you feel better in a situation like this. Remember, this feeling is but temporary. Read on to learn what to do if you lot miss your swain and navigate through this phase smoothly. Gyre down!

What To Do When You Miss Your Fellow

1. Re-reading Old Conversations Might Do The Flim-flam

Re-reading Old Conversations Might Do The Trick


No woman can say that they haven't taken screenshots of cute and flirty messages that he has sent in the past. Open upwards those pictures of when you lot first started dating. You volition be reminded of some funny exchanges you both might take had. Apart from that, you can just reread everyday conversations in the current text chain betwixt you lot and him, and it will be as though you are talking to him once again, easing some of your heartache.

two. Allow Him Know You Miss Him

We all know that the central to a good human relationship is communication, which is especially truthful for long-distance relationships. If y'all encounter yourself missing him a lot, ship him a quick text about how you really want to see his confront. However, this doesn't work all the time as information technology tin can badger him if washed too often. If yous want to hear his vox, you tin simply call him up and say that talking to him helps make you feel amend.

3. Await At A Few Old Pictures

In that location are probably tons of albums lying effectually with pictures of yous two. When you lot are missing your boyfriend, looking at those pictures can make yous feel improve. You will exist reminded of the times y'all spent together, and it might help bring the memories back to life again as if he's right next to you.

four. Send Him Some Airheaded Selfies

If you are missing your beau and feeling lonely, agree up your telephone and take some selfies, making dizzy faces and bringing out the child in you. At times, simply reaching out to him and sending a flick for him to look at afterward can make you feel at ease. You might not get a response at that very second, simply simply imagining how his eyes will light up seeing that picture will make you smile for a while.

5. Article of clothing His Clothes

Wear His Clothes


Girlfriends love wearing their boyfriend's big, baggy apparel every bit they feel comfy, oversized, and snugly. More so, it makes one feel like their partner is right there with them. We know you might have some of his sweatshirts and a bunch of t-shirts stacked in the corner. Throw 1 on and feel him close to you. It'due south cheesy, only information technology's guaranteed to work.

6. Watch His Favorite Flick

Now, it isn't exactly necessary that you like the movie a lot, but it could exist his all-time favorite. Watching it tin make you feel that you are close to him. Sit on your couch with a bowl of popcorn, and watch the movie for a while. Effort to embrace why he is so much into it. It could be a picture show you both watched on your first engagement together or ane that you both relate to and scout together all the fourth dimension. In fact, if he's in another city or country, yous can stream a moving picture at the same time while beingness on the telephone talking about it. While it isn't the aforementioned as snuggling on the couch, it is sugariness to sync up your movie plans and feel similar you lot are together.

7. Plan Stuff Y'all Will Do With Him When You lot See Him Next

Lighten up the frown on your face past thinking about the time you will meet your boyfriend next. Instead of domicile on how much yous are missing your man, endeavor coming up with a lot of plans on what to do together once you meet. You lot tin think of different fun appointment ideas and all the stuff you wish to talk to him about. Not only volition it help you feel distracted, but it will also help pass your time, and you will end up feeling better. This is especially beneficial when you are in a long-distance relationship.

eight. Utilize His Cologne

If you have some of his cologne lying somewhere around the house, spray some of it on yourself. Having that scent effectually you can help ease the hurting you feel when you miss your beau.

ix. Write Him A Alphabetic character

Write Him A Letter


With the amount of instant messaging apps bachelor at our disposal, it is seldom that partners write letters to each other. But this former-fashioned thought is still ane of the most romantic things to do for your partner and can plow the sadness of missing your swain into something lovely.

ten. Accept A Short Solo Trip

Well, this works for literally everything. Be information technology boredom, overthinking, or but feeling lone, taking a solo trip is the answer to all your problems. Why? Because it gives you something to look forward to. Y'all have new places to explore, get to rejuvenate your listen and body, and make tons of memories. Instead of staying at abode and pining for your human being, pick a weekend getaway nearby. Information technology will calm your mind, you will interact with new people on your journey, and traveling solo will give you millions of opportunities to figure out many challenges that come your mode.

11. Scan Through His Social Media

Social media has influenced our society in a lot of ways, so much that nosotros take our entire lives documented on it. He as well would have a lot of statuses and pictures uploaded, and when you look at them, it tin give y'all an insight into how his life would have been like when he posted them. Thinking back on all those times where he told yous near his success and his struggles and remembering that he trusts you with everything volition aid you lot feel better and maybe miss him less too.

12. Hang Out With Your Friends

Hang Out With Your Friends


Some other way to distract yourself while having some fun is to be with friends. It is expert to take people who care near you when you are feeling lone, and your partner is not nowadays. Yous tin talk to your friends nearly what you are feeling. They can keep you busy with their conversations, then you lot tin stop worrying about your man.

thirteen. Pursue Your Favorite Hobbies

Information technology is all about distracting yourself from the abiding thought of your boyfriend. Diving into annihilation you like doing in your spare time can assistance yous forget that you miss him – be information technology cooking upward your favorite repast, baking cupcakes, reorganizing your house, or taking up a little DIY project. It can show to be an effective manner to laissez passer the time until you get to see him over again. Plus, it will exist an added dose of fun.

14. Practise Something To Pamper Yourself

Nosotros know you are missing your boyfriend, and in that location are lots of emotions surrounding y'all at the moment. You deserve something amazing because it tin can get difficult at times. Fix a spa engagement and enjoy pampering yourself. The more time you spend enjoying yourself, the less time you will spend missing him.

Missing your significant other isn't like shooting fish in a barrel or even fun. However, figuring out what to practise when you miss your boyfriend can make it like shooting fish in a barrel to get through the tough times until y'all get to exist together with him. Focus on positive things, try the above means, and turn your gloomy days into cheery ones.

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Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/i-miss-my-boyfriend/

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